Charlottetown South Berth Expansion

Location: Charlottetown, PEI
Owner: Charlottetown Harbour Authority
Completion Date: November 16, 2019
4 New Berthing Dolphin (11 piles per
Dolphin, 10 with 1:4 batter and 1
1 Intermediate bent (2 piles 1:4 batter)
4 new mooring anchor piles (4 vertical
Supply and install fifty 36in diameter
pile with 24” rock sockets with CIP
concrete infill, CIP pile caps
Supply and install new steel access
bridge and new landing bridge (precast
box beams and CIP slab)
Supply and install new fenders,
bollards, curb, mooring buoys, ladders
and hardware.
Dredging of 5000m3 to be ocean
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